The Career Services Office is eager to equip your student with strategic job search skills to prepare them to successfully navigate their future career. As parents and guardians, you too play an influential role in their career planning. Below are some key encouragements to offer your student as well as some supportive resources.
The Career Services Office provides an array of services including: one-on-one career coaching, on-site interviews, online job postings, and career events such as our annual fall Career Fair, Internship Fair, Professionalism & Etiquette Night, alumni panels, career workshops on varying topics, mock interview days, and employer information sessions.
Additionally, many employers want to hire students who have relevant or transferable professional experience. Aside from their academics, experiential learning is the next stepping stone to employment after graduation.
As you know, Grove City College students are intelligent, motivated, and ethical young adults. And, as parents and guardians, you play an important role in spreading that message. Inform your human resources department of our various recruiting opportunities, including our On-Campus Recruiting Program and our annual fall Career Fair, or even consider attending the fair yourself on behalf of your organization.