Top stories cover a big year for Grove City College

Top stories cover a big year for Grove City College

Grove City College had quite a year in 2021. From introducing new master’s degree programs and developing a bold plan for future growth to successfully managing in-person education during a pandemic and bringing back campus traditions like Commencement and Homecoming, it was a big year filled with big stories.

Chronicled on and shared via social media, those stories helped spread the word about Grove City College and advance our mission. They announced big institutional news, highlighted student achievement, focused attention on faculty research and thought leadership, and explained why the College’s distinctive approach to higher education provides an exceptional value to students and the community. They tell, in part, the story of the year from the College’s perspective.

We’ve reviewed those stories and will be rolling out the Top Ten Grove City College stories of 2021 between Christmas and New Year’s on and the College’s social media channels. Selection is based on online engagement and institutional impact.

We’ll begin the countdown on Monday, Dec. 27 and conclude on New Year’s Eve with the top story of the year. Watch the College’s social media channels for updates on the Top 10 and read them here at

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