The Conservative Mind: R.R. Reno on the end of liberalism

The Conservative Mind: R.R. Reno on the end of liberalism

R.R. Reno

Theologian and First Things editor R.R. Reno will discuss “The Conservative Mind at the End of Liberalism” at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 30, in the Morledge Great Room of Rathburn Hall on the campus of Grove City College.

Reno’s appearance on campus is part of The Conservative Mind, a lecture series curated by the College’s Institute for Faith & Freedom . The lecture is free and open to the public, but attendees must RSVP in advance at

R.R. Reno, editor and executive director of First Things magazine, earned his PhD at Yale and was a professor of theology and ethics at Creighton University for 20 years before assuming the editor's desk at First Things in 2010. He primarily writes on religion, faith, and Christians' participation in public life.

Reno is the author of “Return of the Strong Gods,” “The End of Interpretation,” and other books and has written for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Claremont Review of Books, Foreign Affairs, and other outlets.

Launched in 2022, The Conservative Mind lecture series is designed to advance a well-informed understanding of what modern conservatism, as advanced by the likes of Russell Kirk to William F. Buckley, Jr. to Ronald Reagan, is. Kirk said that conservatism is less an ideology than it is an attitude. Conservatives believe in the “permanent things,” in an “enduring moral order” based on Biblical law and natural law. They believe in an “ordered liberty” anchored in both faith and freedom.

Each semester, the series invites a leading conservative thinker or scholar to explore the precise question of what it means to be a conservative. For more about The Conservative Mind and past lectures, visit

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