Studio will help spread the Faith & Freedom message

Studio will help spread the Faith & Freedom message

Grove City College’s Institute for Faith & Freedom (IFF) has a new way to spread its message far and wide.

An on-campus media studio, outfitted with state-of-the-art camera equipment, soundproofing and satellite broadcast technology, will empower the conservative think tank’s scholars to easily become part of the larger conversation via video available to cable, broadcast and online news and opinion forums.

Donors provided $35,000 to build and equip the studio in the College’s Weir C. Ketler Technical Learning Center, IFF Director Robert Rider said.

“This will allow our fellows and scholars – many of whom are Grove City College faculty – to articulate their views for a national audience in a way that hasn’t been possible before,” Rider said. “With this technology we will be able to have our scholars, professors and leaders available to join major news networks for interviews and commentary on current issues directly from our own campus.

Previously, making a cable news “hit” required scholars to travel to studios in Pittsburgh and many had to beg off invitations because of the time and planning involved, Rider said. “Now we can be on TV as often as requested. And the quality of the feed and broadcast is going to be top-notch, so no more awkward Zoom or Teams video quality,” he said.

“This is an opportunity to expand our reach and increase the impact that the Institute and the College can have on national policy debates,” Rider said.

The studio will be managed by IFF and the College’s Media Services staff and will be available for use by College faculty and students.

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