Ryan T. Anderson to deliver Conservative Mind lecture

Ryan T. Anderson to deliver Conservative Mind lecture

The Institute for Faith & Freedom at Grove City College will host conservative author and activist Ryan T. Anderson at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 12 in Sticht Lecture Hall on campus.

Anderson will discuss “A Conservative Response to Gender Ideology” as part of the institute’s Conservative Mind lecture series. He is the author of five books, including 2018’s “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment,” which addressed questions surrounding gender identity based on insights from biology, psychology, and philosophy and offered public policy approaches and his own assessment of this contentious issue.

Anderson also serves as president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, a think tank that applies religious traditions to contemporary questions of law, culture, and politics.

“Ryan Anderson offers the public square well-reasoned natural law, biological, and medical arguments for transgender public policy debates and social challenges. His strategy for pushing back with principle and prudence, compassion, and grace, is a thoughtful model to follow or consider,” said Robert Rider, senior director of the Institute for Faith and Freedom.

The lecture is free and open to the public but registration is required. For more information or to register, visit faithandfreedom.com.

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