Modern Languages student wins Red Box mission

Modern Languages student wins Red Box mission

Red Box G.O. is a competitive program at Grove City College that enables students who are passionate about missions to pursue a summer-long trip of their choosing. The school provides cross-cultural training, as well as a substantial amount of funding for the trip.

“It has been an honor to be selected for this program, and I am already learning so much about cross-cultural missions,” said Reilly Diggins, a Spanish and Social Work major in her sophomore year. Reilly will be a part of Kids Alive International in the Dominican Republic.

“This Christian organization works with at-risk children and provides them with a safe home and education,” she said. “I will be there for eight weeks total: two weeks in a language intensive course and six weeks in an internship placement.”

Reilly will spend most of her time working in the schools helping the teachers and students with their work. While in the Dominican Republic, Reilly hopes to improve her Spanish and learn a lot more about the culture and its peoples.

“My Spanish classes at Grove City have given me a great foundation, and I hope that being immersed in the language helps me to grow upon everything I have already learned,” she said.

Reilly values the opportunities she has had to learn about the cultures of Latin America and Spain during her time in Grove City College.

“Thanks to my background with Spanish at Grove City College, I believe that my transition into this summer will be a lot smoother,” Reilly said. “Instead of spending most of my time trying to figure out the language, I will be able to start developing relationships right away. I am so thankful for this opportunity and for the ways that Grove City College has prepared me.”


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