Michael A. Jackson

Michael A. Jackson


  • Ph.D., Mathematics, Purdue University (2001)
  • M.S., Mathematics, Purdue University (1998)
  • B.S., Mathematics, The Pennsylvania State University (1995)


  • Member of the American Mathematical Society

Areas of Expertise

  • Algebraic Topology and Group Theory

Courses Taught

  • Calculus Sequence
  • Differential Equations
  • Abstract Algebra
  • Classical Analysis
  • Intermediate Analysis
  • Topology

Selected Research

  • The strong symmetric genus of finite groups.
  • Polytope number sequences for non-regular polytopes and generalizations of polytopes.

Selected Publications

  • "Rectified simplex polytope numbers," with D. Smith, P. Jantsch, C. Scurlock, C. Snyder, E. Fairchild, R. Mabe, and E. Polaski. Submitted.
  • "On interior polytope number sequences." Submitted.
  • "The strong symmetric genus and generalized symmetric groups of type G(n,3)," Journal of Group Theory, 13 (2010) 131-138.
  • "The strong symmetric genus of the finite Coxeter groups," Journal of Group Theory, 10 (2007) 841-848.
  • "Qd(p)-free rank two groups act freely on the homotopy product of two spheres," Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 208 (2007) 821-831.
  •  "The strong symmetric genus of the hyperoctahedral groups," Journal of Group Theory, 7 (2004) 495-505.
  • "A quotient of the set [BG, BU(n)] for a finite group G of small rank," Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 188 (2004) 161-174.

Professional Experience

  • Assistant Professor, King College (TN) 2006-2007
  • Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Rochester 2004-2006
  • Ross Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University 2001-2004
  • Visiting Assistant Professor, Purdue University, summer of 2001


  • Spending time with my kids
  • Disc Golf
  • Watching sports on TV

You might be surprised to know

  • Before going to graduate school, I worked for the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C. and my job title was actually Research Physicist.

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