How does the tuition cost of Grove City College compare to the other schools you looked at during your college selection?
I mainly applied to small private colleges similar to Grove City College. The College was by far the cheapest, being approximately half the cost of most of the other schools I applied to. Even with the lower tuition, I do not feel that I sacrificed anything academically by coming here.
How has your faith been strengthened and perhaps even challenged during your time here?
Grove City College is a nurturing environment for one’s faith. The professors share a Christian worldview and are almost always eager to talk with students about it. Most students are also committed to strengthening their faith. Grove City College also offers many tangible ways to get involved spiritually in the form of clubs and Bible studies.
What drew you to choose chemistry as your major?
I chose chemistry because I wanted to understand the world on a molecular level. It also offered a mixture of my two favorite subjects: math and science. I am confident that I made the right choice. I enjoy going to class every day because I know I will learn something new. Chemistry also has the advantage of being an ever-changing field. Even over the last 50 years, our knowledge of chemistry has grown immensely.
What is the relationship like between the students and the professors?
The open nature of the professors at Grove City College was one of the reasons I chose to study here. Almost all professors are very welcoming to answer students’ questions during office hours and even to talk about the student’s future goals and plans. I am always comfortable talking with professors even in an informal setting.
What do you find to be the most unique aspect of Grove City College?
The most unique aspect of Grove City College is the people who create a welcoming and loving community. The professors are one of the College’s greatest resources as they are trying to help students succeed. Most of the students are also very friendly and genuinely interested in faith and learning. Although I have visited many other campuses, I have never experienced quite the same community which exists at Grove City College.
Describe your experience with dorm life at Grove City College, particularly freshman year.
The dorms were a great place to meet new people freshman year. Every freshman is in a building with only other freshman. This is a great way to meet new people and make an easy transition into student life. The RA’s also do a great job at building hall community by hosting events and always being open to talk to you. Many students, including myself, found some of their best friends on their freshman hall.