How does the tuition cost of Grove City College compare to the other schools you looked at during your college selection?
The tuition cost of Grove City College was quite low compared both to secular institutions that I applied to as well as to other Christian institutions.
What are some of the ways you were spiritually engaged while at Grove City College?
I remained spiritually engaged in three main ways: first, through regular personal devotions; second, through intentional conversations about deeper spiritual topics with trusted friends, often coupled with prayer and Scripture reading; and third and most importantly, through regular church attendance and involvement in Bible studies. I even led a few Bible studies, as well as assisting in leadership at a church’s junior and senior high youth group.
How do the academics challenge students to think on a deeper level about the world and life in general?
The material taught in the classroom in many cases follows students to the cafeteria, the dorm room, the gym, etc., as they discuss with friends and classmates the implications of what they are learning. Thus, students ponder for themselves how what they are learning should further develop or even change those perspectives which they already possess, or provide them with a new perspective on an issue which they had not previously considered.
What is the relationship like between the students and the professors?
Student-professor relationships are difficult to generalize about because they really vary from professor to professor (and frankly, from student to student!), but every professor I have had welcomes students to interact with him before and after class and during office hours, regardless of whether the conversation is academic, spiritual, or purely social. Professors here care about each of their students, especially those who demonstrate through their efforts that they truly value the education that they are receiving.
What do you find to be the most unique aspect of Grove City College?
I found the most unique aspect of Grove City College to be its fundamental commitment to independence from any government control or influence, as it is one of the few colleges in the United States that does not receive federal funding. The stand this college has continued to take over the years sets an excellent example for supporting the basic human rights of faith and freedom.
Describe your experence in campus activities.
I served on the Orientation Board, Publicity Committee, as the information booklet publisher. I served as a Resident Assistant on an upperclassmen hall, often involving myself with the resident students in activities we all enjoyed. I also helped play guitar and lead worship at a number of worship opportunities on campus, both small and large. And I acted in the theatre program's “One-Acts Festival” over Family Weekend.