How does the tuition cost of Grove City College compare to the other schools you looked at during your college selection?
When I was comparing the cost of Grove City College with other schools, I found that it was almost half the ticket price of other schools. Many other universities offered scholarships or aid that would make them comparable in their prices. However, I found that the value I would be receiving from Grove City College didn’t compare to the other schools.
How is faith incorporated in the classroom?
Each teacher has their own unique way of incorporating faith in the classroom. Some professors are teaching on the subject, and it is the focus of their entire curriculum. Other teachers begin class with a blessing over the time and the material taught. Most teachers, regardless of the subject, teach from a Christian worldview and incorporate this with their perspective on the material and how it is taught.
How do the academics challenge students to think on a deeper level about the world and life in general?
I believe that a lot of the writing opportunities I have had have challenged me to think deeply about the world and life in general. I believe that it is when students are given the opportunity to take what they have been taught and then form an opinion, that the real learning occurs.
What is the relationship like between the students and the professors?
I believe the relationship between students and the professors is personal. As class sizes are smaller, teachers get to know their students on a deeper level and have more interaction with them. The personal relationship is also built over the years as they have multiple classes with the same professor. These teachers are also involved outside the classroom and really want to help the students and serve them in any way they can.
What do you find to be the most unique aspect of Grove City College?
I think something that is unique about Grove City College is the bond you can have with someone, even if they went to the College 50 years ago. Even though so much has changed, there is still something unique that we both know what a “Grover” is or that we can talk about the inter-vis rules. People are bonded to the school and it shows in the way people will help each other after graduation.
How active are students in campus activities such as intramural, Greek life, sports, clubs, musical productions etc.?
I believe students at Grove City College are highly active in campus activities. Students take intramural sports very seriously and it becomes a lot of fun when it is so competitive. You also find that people are involved in multiple activities so they are very diverse in their interests.
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