KDKA campaign takes listeners ‘Mid the Pines

KDKA campaign takes listeners ‘Mid the Pines

Grove City College alumni will take Pittsburgh radio listeners “’Mid the Pines” this spring with a series of spots on KDKA Radio’s drive time show hosted by Rick Dayton.

The campaign features accomplished alumni offering their thoughts about the College and its impact on their lives and careers. Karen (Semler ’92) Hanlon, executive vice president and chief operating officer for AHN Highmark Health of Pittsburgh, said Grove City College prepares its graduates well for service and success.

“They just really focus on developing the whole person and developing a quality young person with the right work ethic, prepared to go out into the world,” she told Dayton, who interviewed ten alumni for the “’Mid the Pines” series.

After graduating in 1992, Hanlon found the College’s rigorous academic standards translated into a key workplace skill. “The amount of writing that we did as students pays off in a professional environment where you find yourself having to relate with people and communicate your message,” Hanlon said.

Alumni are some of the most effective spokespeople for Grove City College. Their testimony offers prospective students and their families a first-hand account of the transformational education that’s available “’Mid the Pines.” Other alumni featured include Evan Addams ’10, Janice (Barbour ’05) Brenner, Darrin Grove ’91, Rev. Craig Gyergyo ’96, John Henne ’89, Joe Klimchak ’91, Jake Loosararian ’13, Dr. Andrea (Sieg ’03) Synowiec and Jay Yanak ’08.

The series will begin in April on Dayton’s show, which runs 3 to 6 p.m. weekdays on KDKA Radio and be shared on the College’s social media channels.

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