Harp to discuss ‘Protestants and American Conservatism’ at library

Harp to discuss ‘Protestants and American Conservatism’ at library

Dr. Gillis J. Harp, chair and professor of History at Grove City College, will discuss his latest book, “Protestants and American Conservatism: A Short History,” at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 20 in the Biblical Reference Room of Henry Buhl Library on campus.

It is part of the library’s ongoing Faculty Book Talk series and is free and open to the public.

Harp’s book examines the bigger historical context of the emergence of the Religious Right from the colonial period to the very recent past. It was published in August by Oxford University Press.

“I hope the book will contribute to Christians taking a more thoughtful and badly-needed critical approach to political engagement and prompt some folks to reconsider how exactly they conceive of conservatism,” Harp said.

Harp will read a few short excerpts of the new work and then open the floor to questions, comments and discussion. “It’s always fun for authors to engage their readers directly and personally,” he said. “I’ve been working on this project for roughly a decade and any excuse to chat about it is definitely welcome.”

“Protestants and American Conservatism: A Short History” connects to Harp’s two previous books on American intellectual and religious history: “Brahmin Prophet: Phillips Brooks and the Path of Liberal Protestantism” and “Positivist Republic: Auguste Comte and the Reconstruction of American Liberalism, 1865-1920.”

Faculty Book Talks are a way for professors to engage with students, faculty and the community to share their work in their fields, according to Megan Babal, public services and outreach librarian.

Coming up in February, Dr. Lisa L. Hosack, associate professor of Social Work, will talk about her book “Development on Purpose: Faith and Human Behavior in the Social Environment.”

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