GCC begins work to reaffirm MSCHE accreditation

GCC begins work to reaffirm MSCHE accreditation

Grove City College is beginning the process of reaffirming accreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (MSCHE).

Every eight years, the College must undergo a holistic evaluation by MSCHE to maintain its accreditation, which is recognized by government and professional agencies as essential for student success and institutional quality.

“Accreditation is a marker of quality for higher education institutions. It makes us more competitive and adds to the value of a Grove City College education,” according to Kimberly S. Marks, co-chair of the College’s MSCHE self-study committee. “It shows prospective students, parents, graduate programs, and employers the value and effort that Grove City College places on providing the best possible living and learning experience for our students.”

The two-and-a-half-year process includes comprehensive self-study and on-site evaluation to ensure Grove City College meets all MSCHE standards for accreditation, requirements of affiliation, policies and procedures, and applicable federal regulatory requirements.

MSCHE accreditation, according to Dr. Gary Welton, is a “good fit” for Grove City College, which maintains an independence from federal regulation, because an institution’s distinct mission is part of the review and evaluation process.

“Describing who we are as an institution is part of the self-study design and being accredited by Middle States allows us to review the quality of our institution and educational experience through the lens of Grove City College's mission, goals, and Christian values,” Welton said. “This enables the College to achieve accreditation without compromising our calling to provide a Christ-centered living and learning experience.”

The College’s self-study effort is being led by Welton, professor of Psychology and assistant dean for Institutional Assessment, Marks, who serves as director of Academic Records and reference/instruction librarian, and Dr. Darren Wood, associate professor of Biology.

The process includes a series of reports and reviews that begins with designing a self-study plan that addresses the College’s central institutional priorities. Employees and students were surveyed to develop the priorities, which are: affordability, enrollment, and scholarship support; further development of Christian formation; Improve the quality of educational offerings and experiences; practice greater transparency, effective communication, and improved quality work environment.

Working groups comprised of faculty, staff, students, administrators, and a member of the Board of Trustees will look to the priorities as they develop lines of inquiry and research questions as they address the MSCHE Standards for Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation. The standards do not prescribe a single way to achieve educational excellence but provide guidance for the College to gauge its progress, according to MSCHE.

Beyond maintaining an important institutional credential, the work that will be done to meet MSCHE standards has real value for Grove City College, according to Marks.

“Institutional assessment is a crucial part of continuous improvement. We need to know where we are if we are to identify what we can do better and chart a course to improve. Grove City College provides an excellent living and learning environment for students, but assessment enables us to keep a pulse on where we are and adapt as needs change,” she said.

The College submitted its self-study design to MSCHE this week, meeting the first benchmark in the accreditation process. More will follow and completing the work will involve the entire campus community.

“Some faculty, staff, students, and administrators will be playing a direct role in the reaccreditation process by serving on working groups during the self-study process. For others, there are lots of opportunities for engagement and to offer feedback, including attending open forums, participating in surveys, and talking to friends and colleagues,” Marks said.

The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) is an institutional accreditor recognized by the United States Department of Education that serves as an independent voice in higher education. MSCHE establishes equitable standards for accreditation with member institutions that advance the impact of accreditation in the ever-changing landscape of higher education and promotes educational excellence through innovation across diverse institutions.

As an institutional accreditor, MSCHE requires evaluation of all aspects of the institution holistically, including modality of instruction, and everything done in the name of the institution, including all academic programs and services, fall within their scope of accreditation.

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