Former NFL quarterback and coach to lead off Faith for Life lectures

Former NFL quarterback and coach to lead off Faith for Life lectures

Grove City College’s Faith for Life lecture series will feature former NFL quarterback and coach Frank Reich at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 4 in Harbison Chapel.

Reich will deliver the lecture “Created to Compete. He played 14 seasons as quarterback for the Buffalo Bills and Carolina Panthers and continued in the NFL as a coach, leading the Indianapolis Colts and Carolina Panthers.

A devout Christian, he attended the Charlotte Campus of Reformed Theological Seminary where he earned a Master of Divinity degree and served as president of the Charlotte campus from 2003 to 2006. The lecture is sponsored by the Office of Christian Formation and the Athletic Department.

The Faith for Life lecture series brings in a wide variety of speakers who share one thing in common: their desire to instruct young Christians on faith for life and culture. They provide students with the opportunity to hear from guests and faculty and to engage in dialogue on topics that have implications for Christian faith.

“We do the Faith for Life Lecture series because we want to give students different options to engage their faith and to get chapel credits. We hope that these talks contribute to Christian worldview formation, and provide concrete challenges for life on the road,” said Senior Director of Christian Formation Dr. Don Opitz.

In addition to Reich, the spring lineup features a theologian, ethicist, philosopher, pastor, and international missionary.

Vice President of Academics at Covenant Theological Seminary Dr. Jay Sklar will visit campus to speak at 7 p.m. Feb. 26 in Harbison Chapel. Sklar’s lecture, “God’s Love for Us: Faithfulness or Feeling?” is in collaboration with Biblical and Religious Studies department.

Rev. Stephen Tracey, pastor of Lakeview Presbyterian Church in Rockport, Maine, will speak on “Disability and God” at 7 p.m. March 12 in the Morledge Great Room of Rathburn Hall on campus. Tracey frequently writes for the Orthodox Presbyterian Church about ministry challenges and encouragements.

In collaboration with the Philosophy department, Dr. Robert Roberts will speak about “Faith, Hope, and Love” at 7 p.m. March 19 in the Morledge Great Room. Roberts, Baylor University professor emeritus in ethics, has written and published three books, with a fourth in the works.

Rev. Richard Leland will speak about his time doing missions work in India at 7 p.m. March 26 in the Morledge Great Room. Leland served as vice president of International Ministries for Walk Thru the Bible, a missions-based evangelical organization. He will be joined in his lecture by the College’s Coordinator of Women’s Ministry Carrie Leisher.

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