Broadway Revue highlights student talent

Broadway Revue highlights student talent

Spend an evening supporting talented Grove City College students who will perform pieces from some of Broadway’s most inspiring shows at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 16 in Arnold Recital Hall of Pew Fine Arts Center on campus.

“The Broadway Revue is a wonderful performance opportunity for our students who have been working on their singing and acting skills, and who also enjoy singing musical theater repertoire,” Dr. Sasha Piastro-Tedford, vocal instructor of the Department of Music said. The students span many majors, but take voice lessons and/or participate in the Musical Theater Workshop class in the Department of music.

The show is free and open to the public.

Broadway Revue selections reflect the theme “Songs of Change” and include familiar tunes and hidden gems from the Great White Way. Among the 17 pieces are "Watch What Happens" from “Newsies the Musical,” "Someone Like You" from “Jekyll and Hyde,” "Moving Too Fast" from “The Last Five Years” and "I Will Never Leave You" from “Side Show.

“We are so proud of our students who have put a lot of hard work into preparing their solos and duets, and who are willing to share their talents with others,” Piastro-Tedford said.

Grove City College’s Department of Music provides students with preparation for a career in music, private lessons on every instrument, opportunities to perform and hone their skills with a variety of high performing ensembles and the chance to share the glory of music with the campus and community. For more about majors and opportunities in Music at Grove City College, visit

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