How does the tuition cost of Grove City College compare to the other schools you looked at during your college selection?
It is much lower than the other private schools I explored during my college search process. I could not find an institution of such high quality and great value anywhere else.
Overall, how would you describe the spiritual environment on campus?
It is uplifting. The campus community exudes joy, and my faith is strengthened by the fellowship and encouragement I receive from those around me. Grove City College is most certainly a place where my spirit feels at peace.
How would you describe the level of academics you have experienced during your time at the College?
Grove City College positively challenged me in my quest for knowledge. The high level of academics allowed me to grow in my confidence, knowing that I am fully equipped for the career I have been called to pursue.
What is the relationship like between the students and the professors?
It is amazing. I never hesitated to ask my professors questions or visit them during office hours. Every professor I met truly cares about students. This was evident by the time faculty spend individually with students and the sacrifices they make for us. They truly get to know students and encourage them in all that they do.
What do you find to be the most unique aspect of Grove City College?
Grove City College emphasizes students’ holistic development. It fosters social, moral, intellectual, and spiritual growth. As a result, this enhances the campus environment and produces a joy-filled, passionate, and unique student body.
How active are students in campus activities such as intramural, Greek life, sports, clubs, musical productions, etc.?
Students are active. I had no trouble finding wonderful groups and communities. I never a student who was not involved in a campus activity – there is something for everyone here!
Learn more about Grove City College's B.S. in Elementary Education.