There are many excellent institutions of higher education that take their commitment to Christianity seriously. What is it that makes Grove City College stand apart?
Faithfulness is a lived experience here, and it's one of the core values of the College. You'll discover an environment that allows you to cultivate and strengthen your beliefs. Daily life at Grove City College is animated by faith, from the classroom to the chapel, the athletic fields to the residence halls. The warm atmosphere of fellowship and friendship is palpable.
Your faith comes alive and truly thrives within our community. That feeling of belonging is evident across campus and especially in the classroom. Students here are challenged to think broadly and respect differing theological perspectives. The Christian perspective serves as a framework to chart your path and purpose and evaluate all ideas in light of that central presupposition. Here, the life and teachings of Jesus play a central role in guiding our academic inquiry, scholarship, and achievement. We are centered on Christ.