
Physics major Murphy earns Leadership Scholarship

Grove City College student Connor Murphy ’19 received a $2,000 SPS Leadership Scholarship from the national Society of Physics Students.

Murphy’s application detailing his achievements, excellent academic work and leadership was among the best, according to James Merrick, SPS programs manager. The scholarship will help Murphy, a junior from Polson, Montana, defray tution costs for the 2018-19 academic year.

“Connor continues a strong tradition of Grove City College Physics majors being so honored for their academic and research expertise combined with contributions to the Physics Club, Grove City College’s SPS chapter,” Dr. DJ Wagner, professor of Physics and past SPS president, said.

Recent Grove City College winners of SPS scholarships include:

  • 2017:  Shannon Armstrong ‘18, Outstanding Leadership and Future Teacher Scholarships
  • 2016:  Shannon Armstrong ‘18, Future Teacher Scholarship
  • 2015:  P. Evan Linn ‘16, Leadership Scholarship
  • 2014: Ashley Lindow ‘15, Outstanding Leadership Scholarship, and Lauren Dallachiesa ‘15, Herbert Levy Scholarship
  • 2013: Allen Scheie ‘14, Leadership Scholarship
Physics major Murphy earns Leadership Scholarship

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