
Russell Kirk scholar Birzer to deliver Conservative Mind lecture

Dr. Bradley Birzer

Grove City College’s The Conservative Mind lecture series will feature Dr. Bradley Birzer discussing conservative icon Russell Kirk at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 23 in the Morledge Great Room of Rathburn Hall on campus.

The event is free and open to the public, but attendees must RSVP at

Birzer is a history professor and the Russell Amos Kirk Chair in American Studies at Hillsdale (Mich.) College.

“Brad Birzer is a fascinating thinker. You don’t meet many people who have written on figures as diverse as Russell Kirk, Tolkien, and Neil Peart, the drummer for the Canadian rock band, Rush,” said Dr. Paul Kengor, senior director of the Institute for Faith & Freedom, which sponsors the lecture series.

“He is also the genius behind the terrific website The Imaginative Conservative, which I believe is the single most underappreciated forum in the conservative world. I should add that I’ve met former students of his from Hillsdale and they universally rave about him. I think our students at Grove City College will as well. Brad Birzer is an ideal speaker for this series on The Conservative Mind,” Kengor said.

Birzer is the author of several books, including “Russel Kirk: American Conservative” and “J.R.R. Tolkien's Sanctifying Myth.” He serves on the boards of the Free Enterprise Institute and The Center for Cultural Renewal and is a fellow and/or scholar with the Foundation for Economic Education, Intercollegiate Studies Institute, The McConnell Center, and Brazil’s Center for Economic Personalism. Birzer is a co-founder of The Imaginative Conservative website.

Dubbed the most conservative college in America and the college “most nostalgic for Reagan,” Grove City College is uniquely positioned to explore what conservatism is. To ensure the time-tested principles endure, the Institute for Faith & Freedom, the College’s vision and values think tank, created The Conservative Mind lecture series.

Each semester, this series brings a leading conservative thinker or scholar to campus to explore the precise question of what it means to be a conservative. The series is a wonderful learning opportunity for both young people and older individuals struggling to understand what it means to be a conservative today.

Russell Kirk scholar Birzer to deliver Conservative Mind lecture

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