Melissa Sorg, '20

How does the tuition cost of Grove City College compare to the other schools you looked at?
Grove City College is much more affordable than other private and Christian colleges that I considered. The tuition is reasonable, and the College offers scholarships that help students pay for school. Grove City College’s affordability heavily influenced my decision to come because financing school was a major concern of mine.

What are some of the ways you have been spiritually engaged while at Grove City College? 
Grove City College does a good job of offering programs and activities that encourage students to grow in their faith. I usually attend a weekly worship service, short-term prayer events, and a Bible study with friends. 

What drew you to social work as your major?
I chose social work as my major because of my passion for helping others, especially children, youth, and families. I discovered this passion through volunteer work with my church.

What is the nature of the relationship between students and professors?
The relationships between students and professors are meaningful because the student to staff ratio is small and the professors care for the students! 

What is your favorite aspect of Grove City College? 
I appreciate the Christian community I have here at the College because it is a safe and encouraging environment. There are many friendly and caring faculty and students on campus. 

What are some of the things you do during your free time either on or off campus?
I invest time in hanging out with my friends and participating in clubs and volunteer work. I enjoy going to Pittsburgh and going on hikes with my friends, playing club ultimate Frisbee, and volunteering for campus ministries. 

What has your experience been like in the Bachelor of Social Work program?
My experience with the BSW program has been delightful, even though the program was new when I came to the College. Dr. Hosack and Professor Hollenberger are wonderful professors and the classes are informative and interesting. 

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