Kristen Franks, '18

How does the tuition cost of Grove City College compare to the other schools you looked at during your college selection?
The other college I looked at was the University of Pittsburgh. The cost of attending Pitt is about $7,000 more per year than Grove City College without scholarships. I’m saving about $28,000 by coming to Grove City College, which is pretty remarkable.

How is faith incorporated in the classroom?
I think this is one of the most amazing aspects of Grove City College. At secular schools you might have one theoretical ethics class. But here, every single professor sets a Christian example on a daily basis in addition to adding a Christian perspective to any topic.

How would you describe the level of academics you have experienced during your time at Grove City College?
The academics are challenging and rigorous, but very rewarding. I feel incredibly prepared to enter the workforce. Grove City College is very intentional about making sure classes equip you with all the skills you will need to jumpstart your career.

For instance, the business programs place a heavy emphasis on working in teams to simulate working in a business setting. I could not tell you the number of internship descriptions I have seen that mention “ability to work in a team.” It is an important skill and Grove City College knows that!

What is the relationship like between the students and the professors?
The professors here have been one of the most positive influences on my college experience. They are here because they love to teach. They are all very friendly and want to get to know you on a personal level. Professors want to help you in any way they can—whether that is sitting down with you and explaining the material or even praying with you during office hours.

What advice would you give to an incoming student?
First, take advantage of every learning opportunity you can! Whether this is taking a job as a student assistant, or running for a position in a campus organization—it all helps you grow as a person and in your major. Gaining that practical experience early will help you get a competitive edge for the future when looking for an internship or job.

Second, be friendly and get to know people! It is nice to build a little community from the start to help you become more acquainted to college life.

Third, have fun and make the best of it! You will only be in this period of your life once, so enjoy it.

Describe your experience with dorm life at Grove City College, particularly freshman year.
My freshman year I was living in a triple room with two other girls. We chose each other via Grove City College’s “Roommate Finder” after talking on Facebook for a while. We had a large bathroom on our hall that got cleaned everyday with lots of showers, toilets, and shelving for caddies. The cool thing about the College is that you can leave your shower caddy in the bathroom and never worry about anyone taking anything. It is also a lot of fun to meet the other girls on the hall whether in the bathroom doing your makeup in the morning, or by stopping at their rooms to introduce yourself. Freshman dorm life is fun, and a great time to make friends. 

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