Jong Kwan (J.K.) Park, '05

Upon graduating in 2005, I decided to go back home to Seattle, Wash., and take a gap year before graduate school. I intentionally sought out jobs that I knew did not require too much commitment. Although some may call them menial jobs, my year off working at a restaurant, Starbucks, coaching soccer, tutoring, and nannying provided me with formative experiences that not only enhanced my graduate studies, but also have been tangentially applicable to my work as a high school counselor.

The beauty of my job is that there is no typical day. I wear many hats throughout the day, providing my students (ninth-12th graders) with what I call the ABC's of counseling: Academic advising and consultation, Behavioral-socioemotional counseling, and Career/College planning.

The theoretical and experiential learning opportunities provided for me during my M.A. studies in Counseling Psychology at Boston College were vital in preparing me for my current job. However, the fundamental life lessons as well as a strong background in psychology and sociology I received from my studies at Grove City College allowed me to be more than adequately prepared for graduate studies. At the College, I was actively involved with the New Life Ministries to George Junior Republic, Orientation Board, and Prison Ministries. These experiences, coupled with my internships in various schools in the Boston area and my graduate assistantship working with student-athletes as an academic counselor, further fueled my passion to work with youth - especially disadvantage and marginalized youth.

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