Erin Sixt, '18

How does the tuition cost of Grove City College compare to the other schools you looked at during your college selection?
Grove City College’s cost was one of the lowest. I am from New York and the only other schools that were comparable were SUNY schools (State University of New York) that offer in state students an extremely discounted tuition rates. Any other private school was extremely expensive ranging up to $60,000.

What are some of the ways you have been spiritually engaged while at Grove City College?
One of the biggest things that has strengthened my faith is my sorority. Being constantly surrounded with Godly women who care about you and want to have conversations about their faith and share their experiences has been life changing to me. It has taught me so much about what my values are and who I am in Christ.

How would you describe the level of academics you have experienced during your time at Grove City College?
The academics are challenging. Professors want you to know and understand the material and will test you accordingly. With that said, the professors are really engaged and want to teach you. I’ve never had a professor turn me away when I had a question about their class or something outside the classroom.

What is the relationship like between the students and the professors?
The best example of this in my experience is Professor Sweet. Although he is an entrepreneurship professor, he always goes above and beyond to engage with students. I met with him several times for entrepreneurship class questions. Other than that, he always does “wing nights” where he takes out several students to a local restaurant, and they all enjoy wings and fellowship together.

What advice would you give to an incoming student?
Work hard from day one and never be scared to make relationships with students and faculty. I have had the most amazing opportunities because I was not nervous to ask questions and I strived to do my best.

And can you describe some of your own personal experiences in these campus activities?
I am involved in Orchesis, spring dance, Greek life, a couple of entrepreneurship clubs and competitions, and I also work in the Office of Career Services on campus. All of these activities have allowed me to be in some leadership positions, make great friends, and grow in ways I never expected.

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