
Cashore Marionettes bring universal messages to life

Grove City College’s Showcase Series presents the Cashore Marionettes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 26 in the Arnold Recital Hall of the Pew Fine Arts Center on campus.

Puppeteer Joe Cashore’s “Life in Motion” show weaves a moving tale, complete with relatable characters of astounding depth and set to the music of Beethoven, Vivaldi, Strauss and Copland. The show utilizes the ancient and rare art of marionetting to create a dazzling display of entertainment.

“There are so many aspects of our educational programs encapsulated in the Cashore Marionettes,” Charlene Shaw, director of Programs and Events for Alumni and College Relations, said. “Engineering is incorporated as they build and articulate every marionette used in each performance. Writing and storytelling are seen in every vignette, as each one has a story from beginning to end. Even psychology is involved, since the emotions brought out in the audience by the use of inanimate objects require knowing how to read and elicit response from an audience. The stories Cashore tells speak universally to humanity and the world’s condition.”

Hand puppetry is an art form with its foundations in Egypt and other regional folk culture as long as 3000 years ago. Marionettes in Italy were originally used to present morality plays promoting Biblical ideals.

For ticket information, visit the Showcase Series website.

Cashore Marionettes bring universal messages to life

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