Carolyn Ebel, '18

How big of a role did the affordability of Grove City College play in your college decision making process?
Obtaining education at an affordable institution is not only a huge relief, but a big blessing. I can pursue further education without having a huge amount of debt and will be able to get started in the corporate world right way. I am glad that finances are not a barrier for me when it comes to achieving future goals!

What are some of the ways you have been spiritually engaged while at Grove City College?
Grove City College has strengthened my faith a lot since coming to college. I have been blessed with close friends, colleagues, and professors who share a similar Christian worldview to mine. I love living in pursuit of the gospel in each academic setting – inside of the classroom and outside of the classroom. Since coming to Grove City College, I have enjoyed actively participating in some of the college’s unique ministries. From ICO trips to the Day of Caring each spring, the College has an unlimited amount of opportunities for faith expansion.

What drew you to choose sociology as your major?
I chose to major in sociology after first pursing a degree in biology. After concluding that biology just wasn’t for me, I decided I wanted to get involved in social research. My experience as a sociology major has helped me with critical problem solving and has given me a new scope of the culture we live in today.

What are relationships like between professors and students?
All of the professors I have conversed with are extremely approachable and kind. I have been invited to a few of my professors’ homes since coming to Grove City College and have been extremely blessed with their wisdom and insight inside and outside of the classroom.

Share about an experience (working at a job, an internship, studying abroad) or an extra-curricular group or activity and how it impacted you.
Since coming to Grove City College, I have been on both the varsity swimming team and the varsity water polo team. There is nothing better to me than being able to compete on teams that seek to glorify God in all aspects of competition. I have also had the opportunity to perform at a variety of campus events such as the Student Government Association's student coffeehouses and pizza nights. From water polo to singing at local churches and SGA events, there is an activity for everyone here. You name it, we have it.

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