
Orchesis show ‘Timeless’ dances through history

Grove City College’s annual student-run Orchesis dance show returns to the Ketler Auditorium stage next week with a show that dances through history, from the resurrection to the moon landing and beyond.

The fall show “Timeless” opens Thursday, Nov. 11 in the Pew Fine Arts Center on campus and runs through Saturday, Nov. 13, with performances at 7 p.m. each day. Performances will also be livestreamed at

The 2021 Fall Ochesis Dance Company is made up of 64 student dancers, according to Maria DiStasi ’22, senior head choreographer. “Our dancers come from all different majors, groups and clubs, and all different experience levels and styles of dance. We want Orchesis to be a place where any student who wants to dance can dance,” DiStasi said.

Over the course of 21 dances, including two full cast numbers that open and close the show, audiences will travel through time, she said. Through movement and music, dancers will interpret significant historical events, from creation to the Me Too movement. In between, dances will highlight the Black Death, the invention of the printing press, the American Revolution, the transcontinental railroad, prohibition and Sept. 11.

DiStasi said the troupe is excited to get back to performing for a full audience in Kelter Auditorium after the pandemic limited the Orchesis company’s opportunities last year to strut their stuff.

Dances are choreographed by students, with DiStasi and junior heads Isabella Hill ’23 and Lurena Stewart ’23 and adviser Kevin Garvey overseeing the show and choreographing as well. 

Admission is free, but tickets, which are available in Breen Student Union, are required.

Orchesis show ‘Timeless’ dances through history

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