
Math Blast brings kids to campus for fun learning event

Grove City College’s annual Math Blast will take place from 9 to 11:30 a.m.  Saturday, Feb. 15 in The Hall of Arts and Letters on campus.

Math Blast is a free program open to the public that provides fun math lessons to children in kindergarten through eighth grade.   

“The children get to participate in hands-on math lessons, often on mathematical concepts that they haven’t seen before. They come away from the lessons excited about math and what they can do with it,” Dr. Kelleen Bonomo, professor of Mathematics and organizer of the event said. Participating children can choose from a variety of classes and activities. Each child will be able to choose two different lessons.

Some of this year’s activities include “Frozen Adventure to Fraction Town,” “Basketball, Football, and Math! Oh My,” and “Graphing with Skittles.”

Student volunteers, most pursuing majors in the College's departments of Education and Mathematics, are hosting the event and conducting the lessons.

“Grove City College students benefit from the experience of developing the lessons and working directly with the children. Our students really enjoy this opportunity, and many of them volunteer to teach again the next year,” Bonomo said. “The parents are often quite impressed with the maturity and teaching skills of the Grove City students.”

Registration begins at 9 a.m. on Feb. 15 at the Hall of Arts and Letters. To check the schedule, visit For more information, contact Bonomo by email at or phone at 724-450-1559.

Math Blast brings kids to campus for fun learning event

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