
Sounds of the Christmas season will ring out on campus

It’s beginning to sound a lot like Christmas at Grove City College as the Department of Music prepares to give the community a series of gifts in December. 
Talented student musicians are perfecting their versions of the songs of the season in preparation for performances from Dec. 3 to 10 at multiple venues on campus that include:

  •  “Gloria” Christmas Choral Concert, 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 3, in Harbison Chapel on campus. The Chapel Choir will perform Antonio Vivaldi’s popular holiday classic “Gloria,” and the Touring Choir will present a modern take on the same text arranged by Randol Alan Bass. Both choirs are directed by Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities Dr. Katherine Mueller and accompanied by College Organist Dr. Bradley Fitch. A reception in the Morledge Great Room of Rathburn Hall follows. 
  • Carnegie Christmas Concerts, 12:15 p.m. Monday, Dec. 4 through Friday, Dec. 8 in Carnegie Alumni Center. The Department of Music treats the community to lunchtime concerts all week long. The schedule includes vocal students on Monday; harpists and the Grove City College Singers on Tuesday; Flute, Trombone and String choirs on Wednesday; Piano students and the Glee Club on Thursday; and Gallery Brass and the College Touring Choir on Friday. Click here for a complete schedule.
  • Grove City College Singers, 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 8 in Arnold Recital Hall of the Pew Fine Arts Center on campus. Selections include a modern setting of the Christmas “Gaudete” hymn originally written in 1582, “While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks” and an eclectic variety of other Christmas carols. The Singers, a women’s ensemble that performs sacred and secular music, is under the direction of Associate Professor of Music Dr. Stacy Paparone ’93.
  • Jazz Ensemble and Stage Band, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 8 in Ketler Auditorium of the Pew Fine Arts Center on campus. The show features vocalists Michelle Jeffries ’19 and Corey Kerstetter ’19, new compositions by Dr. Joseph Hasper, associate professor of Music and director of Jazz Ensembles, and holiday classics, including “O Come, O Come Emmanuel,” “Christmas Time is Here” and “The Christmas Song.” The Jazz Ensemble is also playing live at the second annual Winter Jazz Dance held Saturday, Dec. 9, on campus.
  • Chamber Orchestra, at 9 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 7 in Harbison Chapel. The Chamber Orchestra, under the direction of Dr. Jeffrey Tedford ’00, associate professor of Music and director of Orchestras, performs a program that includes music featured in movies from “The Polar Express,” “Home Alone,” “The Grinch that Stole Christmas” and others. The Chamber Orchestra will be joined by the Grove City College Singers for “O Come, All Ye Faithful” and the concert will conclude with a sing-a-long featuring various Christmas hymns.

For more about the Department of Music at Grove City College, visit

Sounds of the Christmas season will ring out on campus

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