Chapel Services at Grove City College are generally held in Harbison Chapel. We gather as a community to worship Jesus Christ, to rest in his love and forgiveness, and to be shaped by the reading and preaching of his Word.
This happens as we gather on Worship Wednesdays at 11 a.m., and then again for Formation Fridays at the same time. On most weeks another evening option is provided, usually convening at 6:30 p.m. in Harbison Chapel or Rathburn Hall on a Tuesday or a Wednesday. The program may be a Faith for Life Lecture with Q&A, or a Christian Growth Workshop.
On Worship Wednesdays we seek to be anchored in the Word and to exalt Lord Jesus in our prayers, reading of the Word, preaching, and singing. Students lead the readings, prayer, and singing, and someone from the Christian Formation Office team, Grove City College faculty, or an invited guest provides the message.
Our Worship Wednesdays theme for spring 2025 is The Big Story of the Bible.