Recommended resources by the Department of Mechanical Engineering faculty at Grove City College include:
The requirements for the B.S. in Mechanical Engineering are met over a four-year curriculum that starts with an exposure to the fundamentals of science and engineering, culminating in a senior capstone design experience.
Introduction to the fundamentals of chemistry, physics, calculus, engineering computations, the profession of engineering, and the design process. Students learn to use Creo, a state-of-the-art CAD tool.
Emphasis on the analysis of problems in statics/dynamics, materials science, and thermodynamics, and on the design and manufacturing process. Students are exposed to modern machine shop practice through the fabrication of their own Stirling engines.
Analytical skills are honed in engineering math, circuit analysis, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and mechanics of materials. Sound experimental and design techniques are reinforced in the required laboratory sequence. Students receive a solid grounding in dynamic systems analysis and simulation, machine design, and stress analysis.
A major, year-long capstone design experience includes the design and realization of an engineering product. Extensive computer-aided design and manufacturing includes the use of Creo to document, analyze, and fabricate designs. Advanced manufacturing techniques taught include conventional and investment casting, injection molding, CNC machining, and TIG/MIG welding. To assure the ability to work professionally, seniors must complete at least 13 hours of mechanical engineering electives, choosing a minimum of three credit hours in a given system area. In addition, at least six credit hours must be 400-level courses and a maximum of four credit hours may be earned through one and two credit courses.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers is the professional organization for mechanical engineers. The student sector at Grove City College strives to provide an opportunity for students to begin their professional careers by joining a professional engineering society; to inform students of recent developments in the field through publications, field trips, and meetings; and to promote fellowship and interaction with other mechanical engineers. The club sponsors meetings with speakers from industry and academia, field trips to local companies, and attendance at conferences which often have competitions.
The Society of Women Engineers is a national organization for women in engineering and other related sciences. The focus is to encourage women to achieve their full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, to lend support to academic pursuits, and to promote interests in the areas of engineering and the sciences. The activities of the group include campus and community events such as dinners, field trips, invited speakers, and visits to senior high school classes. All women in engineering and sciences are invited to join.
The Society of Automotive Engineers was founded to promote pride and professionalism in the engineering field. The society is open to all engineering majors and meetings are held weekly. View the SAE Club Facebook page.
The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers advances technology to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world. Membership is open to any person associated with the field.