Grove City College offers an economics major that will prepare you to be a purposeful leader in economics, public policy, business, philanthropy, or law, among various other career options. Rooted in the rich tradition of Austrian economics, our economics degree program explores how wealth is generated in the free market and examines the driving forces behind human interaction, viewing man as made in God's image. As you master mainstream economic theories, you will also develop a robust understanding of the market economy and its role in a good society to foster peace, prosperity, and free enterprise. With a B.A. in Economics from Grove City College, you will be equipped to creatively tackle economic and social problems with a big-picture perspective and solid Christian ethics.
Sebastian Anastasi '23 B.A. in Economics
“Leaving Grove City College, I could not have been more prepared for law school and a career in the legal field. Because the economics program challenged me analytically and was research and writing intensive, it equipped me with the basic skills for legal practice.” — Claire Vetter ’15, B.A. in Economics, Minor in Legal Studies, Minor in Family Studies, Minor in Biblical and Religious StudiesREAD MORE>>