Social work majors engage in a rigorous sequence of research-focused coursework, beginning with the Research Methods course, typically taken during the junior year. This course introduces students to research design principles and equips them with proficiency in data analysis using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software.
In their final semester, students enroll in the Social Work Capstone course, where they collaborate in research teams to design and implement a comprehensive social work research project. This experience culminates in a formal academic deliverable that includes a written research paper, an academic poster, and a professional oral presentation, showcasing their findings to peers and faculty.
Our social work faculty are actively involved in research, offering students meaningful opportunities to collaborate as Social Work Research Assistants. These experiences often culminate in students presenting their original research at events like the North American Christians in Social Work (NACSW) Annual Convention in cities across the country. This unique opportunity allows students to develop professional skills, network with practitioners, and contribute to the broader social work community.
2024 – Isabelle Olenick ’26 | Dallas, Texas
2023 – Lauren Miller ’24 | Pittsburgh, Pa.
2022 – Grace Anne Shaw ’24 | Chicago, Ill.