- M.B.A. University of Pittsburgh
- B.S. Grove City College
Professional Experience
Prior to joining the faculty of Grove City College, I developed my skills as a marketer by working in multiple sales and marketing roles over 28 years in the healthcare sector. My passion for marketing and sales grows from seeing how these disciplines can help connect business to the needs of individuals and communities around us. It’s on this that I base my teaching.
My research interests lie in issues surrounding the use of marketing data in the retail environment and the consumer and business issues this particular marketing approach often generates.
Given my experience in the healthcare sector, I also closely follow and write about healthcare policy in the United States. Much of what I’ve written has been published through The Institute for Faith & Freedom and syndicated in media outlets around the country.
I’m privileged to teach a wide range of courses at Grove City College - ones which leverage my business experience, challenge me to stay current in my discipline, and allow me to integrate my faith as I prepare students for their particular business calling.
Digital Marketing: I love staying one step ahead in this rapidly changing field. Graduates entering the marketing field today must have a solid grounding in the principles of digital marketing, both from an application standpoint as well as a strategic standpoint.
Professional Sales: Selling done in the right way can garner a salesperson tremendous long term success. This is the course I’ve taught the longest and one that I still enjoy as much today as when I started in the classroom.
Business Analytics and Decision Making: Better business decisions lead to better business results and better decisions come, in large part, from being better informed. Data is everywhere and never more important than right now across all aspects of business.
Business Policy and Strategy: This is our business program’s capstone course in which I bring together the cross-functional business knowledge gained by students. In addition to bringing together business skills in order to prepare for life after graduation, the class also explores and reflects on their role as Christians entering the business world.
Is there any personal experience you’d like to share?
I’m really interested in genealogy. I’ve traced my paternal Slovak family roots as far back as the 1700s and had the chance to visit relatives who still live in Slovakia. Here I am in the capital of Bratislava with Bratislava Castle in the background.