GCC earns 2024-25 College of Distinction honors

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GCC earns 2024-25 College of Distinction honors

Grove City College is a 2024-25 College of Distinction, recognized for its overall excellence, Christian character, standout education, business, and engineering programs, and for supporting student success through the Career Services Office.

Colleges of Distinction, an online college search resource, draws on in-depth research to highlight schools that exemplify the Four Distinctions: engaged students, great teaching, vibrant community, and successful outcomes. Colleges of Distinction schools enable students to have a fulfilling, individualized college experience.

“A college degree opens the door to many opportunities. But a truly worthwhile education prepares students to thrive once they walk through that door. Grove City College’s curriculum encourages meaningful student-faculty collaboration through experiential learning that is relevant and applicable to the real world,” said Tyson Schritter, chief operating officer at Colleges of Distinction.

The selection process comprises a sequence of in-depth research and detailed interviews with the schools about each institution’s freshman experience and retention efforts alongside its general education programs, career development, strategic plan, student satisfaction, and more.

"We are so impressed to see how Grove City College brings life to the traditional undergraduate experience. With a welcoming community, an immersive curriculum, and strong support networks, the College is undoubtedly nurturing the growth of tomorrow’s leaders,” Schritter said.

In addition to being a College of Distinction, Grove City College is recognized as a Christian College of Distinction and a Pennsylvania College of Distinction.

The College’s academically excellent Education, Business, and Engineering programs earned 2024-25 College of Distinction honors based on their comprehensive curricula, accreditation, breadth of program, advising and mentoring, integration of career services, and successful outcomes for students.

The Career Services Office also earned special recognition for the work its staff does guiding students to their callings and helping with internships, jobs, and more.

“Grove City College is doing important work to help its students thrive after graduation. The job market can be intimidating, but this school’s resources and support services give students an advantage in whatever field they pursue,” Schritter said.

For nearly 150 years, Grove City College has offered students an academically excellent, affordable, and Christ-centered living and learning experience. The College is grounded in permanent ideas and conservative values, committed to the foundations of a free society, and develops leaders of the highest proficiency, purpose, and principles to advance the common good. The College is a pioneer in independent private education and accepts no federal funds.

To see Grove City College’s 2023-24 College of Distinction profile, visit collegesofdistinction.com. To arrange a personalized visit to Grove City College, see gcc.edu/admissions.
