‘Ecce Homo/Behold the Man’ featured at Pew gallery

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‘Ecce Homo/Behold the Man’ featured at Pew gallery

Grove City College presents “Ecce Homo/Behold the Man: A Collection by Sandra Bowden” from March 1 to March 18 in the Pew Fine Arts Gallery.

Visual artist Sandra Bowden has been interpreting sculpture and her own spiritual walk through mixed media for over 40 years. This collection contains images dating from the early 17th century to contemporary works. Artists include Bruce Herman, Otto Dix, Georges Rouault, Jacques Callot and Tyrus Clutter, to name a few. Visitors are placed at St. Stephen’s Gate, the scene where Jesus was condemned by the crowd as described in Matthew 27.

Bowden will be on campus March 15 to deliver a lecture about collecting art and art’s importance to the church in Arnold Recital Hall of the Pew Fine Arts Center from 4 to 5:30 p.m. that will be followed by a reception from 6 to 8 p.m. in gallery. The lecture, reception and exhibit are open to the public.

A native of New England, Bowden holds a degree from the State University of New York. She has been acclaimed as one of the most unique, impressive and inspiring Christian artists in America. Her work has been featured in books, magazines and gallery shows across the United States, Canada, Italy and Jerusalem. Bowden has also been the recipient of numerous awards for her contemporary religious imagery.

Gallery hours: Noon to 4 p.m. daily March 1 to March 18; and 7 to 10 p.m. March 2 to March 5, and March 11.

For more about the Department of Communication Studies and Visual Arts at Grove City College, visit www.gcc.edu/comm.
